Blog Archive

Sunday 22 June 2014

Who Thought Fishing Could Be So Much Fun.

I've never been much of a fan of fishing. It has never appealed to me, although I've tried it. But Ridiculous Fishing is (excuse the pun) a different kettle of fish. Its a simple enough game but very addictive none the less.
You're a fisherman...

The object is to catch as many fish as possible to make money. Each species of fish is worth a different amount and after catching so many you unlock a new area. So, the player casts his line by tapping the screen and attempts to avoid fish as the line descends. You move the line by tilting the phone left and right. Easy right? WRONG. It's not as easy as it sounds. The screen is littered with fish and if you've just start and hit one, the line begins to ascend. It's one of those games that annoys you but you feel compelled to attempt it again. When the line reaches its max (or you reach the lowest depth) the line begins to retract and this is where the player must catch as many fish as possible. Also at the maximum depth is a special prized fish which is worth biiiiig bucks! Playing R.F around anyone who doesn't know you/ know what you're doing, you kinda look mental throwing your phone left and right making girly noises avoiding le fish.

So you've caught countless fish and you think you're finished??? Oh you small minded knave! You must now pull out your weapon of choice (mini-gun anyone?) and blow them away as they rain down from the heavens! This is not like shooting fish in a barrel though...oh no! By tapping on the screen the fish will cease to live...BUT you do get cash money! Silver linings and all that! There are also jellyfish (look left. Or up if you're using the all...there's one!) that if you shoot, gives you a negative score, so avoid them as you pull the line back!
 The player can spend the money on upgrades for the line so it can descend faster, weapons, and longer lines to reach the depths of the various stages.

 Not much to say on this if I'm honest. The pixel art is good and the different types of fish are mostly different colours. The backgrounds are colourful though and vary on each stage. Not to say I don't like it though... That's my thoughts... Deal with it!

The sounds are done retro style. Each stage has a different sound - my favourite being the home waters stage - and are pleasant and easy to listen to. It's only about 30 - 40 seconds played on a loop but its nice enough and gives off a relaxed sort of atmosphere as the line dwells deeper into the abyss. As the line is retrieved, the music plays backwards and quicker with another small, jaunty tune to accompany it. Then as you fling the fish to the skies the music takes a turn again to a deeper and evvvvvviiiiilllllll sound as you kill all the fishy's! When you catch fish there is a sound but my vocabulary doesn't have the correct word to describe a low "whoop" sound and make it sound smart and fancy.

Ridiculous Fishing is one of those games you have to buy if you have a spare 2 quid (and I'm sure you all do!) and have a spare five minutes on your hands. Careful though. This small amount of procrastination can turn into hours as I found out attempting to unlock everything! An enjoyable little game, and a soundtrack you'll be hooked on! Definitely worth the money. Internet...Go buy. Do my bidding! Or end up like the thousands of fish I have slaughtered in the dreary night sky.

+Greg Wohlwend
Well done on the game! Certainly the cream of the crop...or some fish pun!



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