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Saturday 5 July 2014

Fiv... Sh*t TEN Fun Games!

After having a discussion with a housemate about how games seem to have veered away from actually being fun and turned into a graphics contest and how close to reality they can get. I've decided to make a list of recent (ish) games which I think are fun and enjoyable to play! It was initially five but then after FURTHER discussions with my other housemate (@larky1990), it's the biiig TEN! 

10. Lego Star Wars.
What better than Star Wars? Oh that's right.. Playing them as Lego. I had so much fun revisiting all the major set pieces as a Lego character and discovering new areas with each one ( buuuuuy it. Gooble gobble).

9. Fez. 
A 2D man in a 3D world. Yes it was challenging but still a whole lotta fun at the same time. It was unique with such a large depth and scale. And when you first turn the world and see a whole new world (started singing Aladdin there), and a different perspective opens before you, it was simply breathtaking. Come on Phil Fish. Make no. 2 without blowing yourself up. 

8. Skate.
OPM - heaven is a half pipe. Yes! OPM. Skate made that mechanic that appeared in Tony Hawks next gen ( project 8) and turned it into a spectacular game. I spent hours on both 1 and 2 perfecting lines with my buddy. Yeah... I have friends (statement may not actually be true). 

7. Saints Row 3.
GTA on roids and snorting cocaine whilst pooping out of a plane. I know. It's the perfect analogy for how insane this game was. They took all the crazy ideas that people had thought up and put them in one giant game. Nothing beats sucking up pedestrians in a cannon and launching them to the moon. 

6. Burnout: Paradise.
Launching a car over a jump at 160 mph on a bridge would sound dangerous. But not in Burnout Paradise. Fuck yeah! This game ruled. One of the few driving games with co-op and done well. It was always fun cruising round with Friends... and ramming them into a wall. Lol. Rofl. 

5. Broforce. 
This game. I fucking love it! I've already written about this in a previous blog saying how much fun it is to tackle a horde of enemies with your buddies and destroy the world in the process. And it's still not even finished! Which means there's more BRO's to be released and more levels! Win. Win. Win. 

4. Crackdown.
One of the first games I got with my Xbox 360. Crackdown lets you pick up cars and hurtle them towards unsuspecting enemies. You could jump up skyscrapers in seconds, kill the enemy atop then raise him above your head to show your kill. Theeeeen throw him off and watch his body bounce! (Mini chortle). Even collecting the orbs seemed satisfying to me and when they released the harpoon gun, I loved killing my mate then pinning him to walls. I know...I'm a bastard. 

3. Portal 1 and 2.
Portal always gets high praise and why shouldn't it. It's funny, challenging, addictive and different. Walking into a test chamber you would stare at the obstacle before you and assess how to take it on. Then in Two you could play co-op (I LOVE CO-OP). And it was always fun to make the infinity loop and fall forever! 

2. Super Mario 3D World.
I love my WiiU. Even more so with each purchase. And this purchase was no exception. Join Mario and the gang in an adventure through 8+ worlds. Each level is fun and vibrant and immerses the player in each world. The fact you can dress as a cat is just a happy positive. The music is nothing to be ignored either. It brings that happy feeling and is incredibly memorable. But my favourite part was Bowser's World. Travelling up the pipe and seeing this colourful land stand before you is something definitely worth seeing. 

1. Rayman: Legends.
Granted, you may not rate this as your number one BUT holy shit it should at least be in the top three. I'd never played a Rayman and it was my Brother who showed me this and I'm glad he did. It plays as a platformer and is definitely one of the best. The backgrounds to each stage are beauties to look at. Tight controls. The levels themselves challenging and with Ubisoft constantly releasing daily challenges, it keeps the game fresh. The best. THE BEST part though? At the end of each world is a music level where you have to run and jump in time to the music through various obstacles and enemies. It. Is. Awesome!!!! I've showed everyone who has passed by my house and each person has commented on how much fun the game is. If this game was a barrel.. It would be full of laughs (Idiom of the day). 

Cheers for reading. More soon...keep a look out for a YouTube channel! 


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