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Friday 31 January 2014

Guns? Big Guns? I'm More of a Pinata Man!

In the gaming world today, many things revolve around blowing the shit into something (I'm looking at you Call of Dooty and BertleField), but don't you just sometimes wanna step back from it all and play something with less violence and objectives?

Yes you do! This isn't to say I don't like running around and chopping people in half or cruising around Los Santos knocking foo's out! Sometimes its just nice to sort out your garden and raise some pinata's.

Viva Fudgin' Whackin' Pinata! Look at those sexy colours! This game only breeds happy thoughts! I picked this up for about 2 quid and I'm super happy I did! It's a sandbox like harvest moon. Story??? Not to sure. Do you need one?! Sort out your garden and get some piñata's, which in this game are like wild animals.
So it starts out you inherit this land but it's a proper shithole, and as you progress you get different equipment which can be upgraded. The piñata's are caught by meeting certain requirements, so obviously the first ones you meet are simple ones. For example for a worm you need to have decent grass. All the wild piñata's are black and white and when they become part of your garden they become bright and vivid. (Addendum: all the piñata's have super cute names!)
You need to buy habitat's on top of the requirements and then you can breed them. The breeding game is the only bit I wasn't to keen on if I'm honest. You have to navigate the pinata through an "obstacle" course (I use that term loosely) and then an egg is dropped off by a stalk like chick.  
You can decorate the garden however you want. Putting in fire lamps attracts moths. Make a pond and then in comes frogs. Simple, easy stuff. Your garden expands after a while so you can fit in more and more stuuuff! 


The characters in the game can help you in certain ways. There's this bloke who just looooves nuts (phrasing)! And he'll just give you them if you talk to him. You can have some chick come and look after your seeds and fruit. I never used her just so I didn't have to spend money. I'm a tight ass. Then there's the evil dude who makes sour piñata's which try to come and ruin your day. You can either kill them or even better, make them transform into a pinata for your garden!
You also get tasks where you earn money (and achievements) if you finish them. It's usually someone needs a specific type of pinata, so the player needs to put them in a crate and send them off. Easy enough, but it's not forced upon you (one is but its a tutorial) so you can choose to do what you want within the game essentially, or when to take the tasks. 

This guy looooves nuts...ladies...stand back.

Lastly but not least is the best part of the game, it's presentation. It. Is. AMAZING! When you start getting more and more pinata's in your garden it's nice to sit back and admire it's beauty. Seriously. I absolutely hate that word but there isn't any other word to describe it. The different colours of the pinata's just complement the whole screen perfectly. The music is just small background noise which is fine but the game shines with its looks and presentation. 
Right well in conclusion if you can find this game cheap and fancy a break from all the violence of games today you should definitely do it. It is a gorgeous thing to look at and the colours will probably cheer you up. And if you're tripping balls it'll probably be amazing. 


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